Owen's directorial feature debut, 'Devil's Tower' starring Jason Mewes and Roxanne Pallett, has this week closed deals for distribution in the US, UK and Australia!
What does this mean?
When a feature film is made, it's not just a matter of putting it in a cinema or making DVD copies to sell. The film makers broker meetings and screenings for distributors all over the world. A deal is then hopefully struck with a distributor for each territory.
So, there'll be a distributor covering North America, another for the UK, another for Germany, Austria and Switzerland (that's a combined territory) and so on.
Each distributor creates its own poster and trailer for the movie aimed at that country's audiences. It also makes DVD & Blu-Ray copies, enters talks with cinemas, companies like Netflix, Sky Now and TV channels for that area.
So, Devil's Tower will have different posters with different distributors the world over, and be dubbed into several different languages.
I for one can't wait to watch the Japanese dubbed version!
It's a huge step and a massive recognition for an indie director's debut feature to get distribution in three continents within days of going on sale and there should be plenty of news to follow as we agree more territories.