Friday, 17 June 2011

New film released, help needed for festival film.

Toothpix has had confirmation that Derby Museum & Art Gallery want us to make a celebration film for their Joseph Wright festival. Starting in late July, there will a series of events to raise the profile of the painter's works in his home city of Derby. Toothpix will be there to gather the thoughts of the pubic, right through to the culmination of the festival in February 2012 when the new Wright Gallery is opened. We'll be looking for assistants, trainee journalists and young producers to help up on the way, so get in touch if you're interested!

Watch the video above to see a dance video Owen has created for Déda, filmed over several seasons at three adiZone sites around Derby. An adiZone is an Adidas-sposored outdoor gym, which we invaded with young dancers to have a great time and show off some moves. The film is premiereing at the Derby Assembly Rooms as part of the 'Be Inspiring' event on June 28th promoted by Derby City Partnership.