Thursday, 20 May 2010

Prestigious film festival success and two new films completed

We've just had the great news that a film Owen directed photography for, 'Office Orphan', a comedy directed by David Lilley of Loonatik & Drinks, has been accepted into the fiercely competitive Rushes SoHo Shorts film festival.
Office Orphan stars comedy duo McNeil and Pamphilon as they argue about the ethics of using an unpaid Dickensian orphan as an assistant in a modern office.

Owen shot the film on the Canon 550D, which was designed to be used as a stills camera but which, with a few extra gadgets, shoots amazing quality video.

Two more films have just reached a rough-cut stage: a film for wheelchair users in Leicester to take to primary schools as a tool for raising awareness (premiere at the New Walk Museum on June 30th - get in touch if you want tickets!), and a film for use in Derby to explain the Future Jobs Fund (premiere coming up at Derby QUAD).

Production is just beginning on a pair of films set around Parkour and street dance - and Toothpix have been acting as media consultants for Global Education Derby as they make a feature length documentary in a Media-Box funded scheme set to premiere as part of Derby City Partnerships week at the start of July.