Owen Tooth's unusual short film 'Effigy' has been selected by QUAD cinema in Derby to screen alongside the new feature film 'The Wolfman' from director Joe Johnston. The Wolfman stars Benicio Del Toro alongside Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving and Anthony Hopkins - as well as Olga Fedori, star of the feature 'Mum & Dad' which Owen also worked on in the camera department.
The film is set for release in early 2010 and each screening will be preceded by Owen's short (six minute) film Effigy. The Wolfman had a budget of $85,000,000 while Effigy cost under £100 to make. The musical score for The Wolfman was composed by Danny Elfman, while the grand gypsy jazz score for Effigy was composed by Belper musician David Beard. The music really lifts the film from the screen and gives it a sense of scale and grandeur. Why not come along to one of the screenings and see them both for yourself?
Just make sure it's not on a full moon...